He estado perdida estos días entre el “rush” del Día de las Madres, de los Padres, la Copa Mundial, el verano, mis hijos, nuevos diseños y “back to school”. En fin es que los días se van muy rápido, cada vez que alguien me pregunta: como te va en tu nueva faceta de mama “full time” o como dice mi esposo “Yarisi Rosado CDO, Chief Domestic Officer”, les contesto lo mismo los días se me van más rápido y así es. Ya hace 11 meses que tuve dos nacimientos: este blog que va por la columna #32 y mi segundo hijo Marcelo que ya gatea, se sienta y se pone de pie. Pero para mi parece que fue ayer.
Así que seguiré aquí aunque los días se me evaporen como una gota de agua…
I’ve been kind of lost these days among the rush of Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, World Cup, summer, my kids, new designs, and back to school. Hey, days just go by too fast. Every time someone asks: “How is it going?” as a stay at home mom or like my husband likes to say: “Yarisi Rosado CDO, Chief Domestic Officer,” I answer the same way, days go faster than before and that’s how it is. It’s been 11 months since I gave two births: this blog that just made its 32nd article and mi second son Marcelo which already crawls, sits, and stands all by himself. But for me it feels like it was just yesterday.
So, I’ll continue here even though days evaporate like water drops…
Así que seguiré aquí aunque los días se me evaporen como una gota de agua…
I’ve been kind of lost these days among the rush of Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, World Cup, summer, my kids, new designs, and back to school. Hey, days just go by too fast. Every time someone asks: “How is it going?” as a stay at home mom or like my husband likes to say: “Yarisi Rosado CDO, Chief Domestic Officer,” I answer the same way, days go faster than before and that’s how it is. It’s been 11 months since I gave two births: this blog that just made its 32nd article and mi second son Marcelo which already crawls, sits, and stands all by himself. But for me it feels like it was just yesterday.
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